Friday, September 29, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Take it home ,make it your own,one like you....

The fragile now
everything coming and going into its law of dharma
for a moment I suffered over a shattered moment
I had to let it go
Best part of the day
Sat in the living room singing songs and strumming chords on the nylon string guitar. I seem to be singing a lot better since I declared my freedom from the tobacco industry. Came up with some lyrics to a song I wrote about a year ago. A real 70's type thing. I'll post the things when I figure out what buttons to push.

Spent the day like cash

Woke up this morning and wrote a song. Recorded it in low Fi, did a little editing, it sounds like Cr*p but I got the idea down. I titled it position possession, but that just might change into something else. Also worked on song lyrics for a song called Gravel.

I really should be doing something else

Okay alright I am Here doing it so just relax. Soon It will make a lot of sense, and that is what brings on the fear factor.